Technical Programme

08 June 2022  11:00 - 13:00   Add
Simulation-based optimization considering dynamic systems and/or uncertainty I

Minisymposium organized by Thomas Rung, Benedikt Kriegesmann, Kathrin Welker, MArtin Siebenborn, Robert Seifired and Alexander Düster
Room: A1 – 5
Chair: Martin Siebenborn
CoChair: Benedikt Kriegesmann

The iPGDZ+ technique for compressing primal solution time-series in unsteady adjoint - applications & assessment (Keynote Lecture)
Andreas-Stefanos Margetis, Evangelos Papoutsis-Kiachagias and Kyriakos Giannakoglou

Adjoint shape optimization of arterial bypass-graft anastomoses considering fluid-structure interaction
Lars Radtke, Georgios Bletsos, Thomas Rung and Alexander Düster

Unsteady Aerodynamic Sensitivity Analysis with FEniCS
Carlos Ruiz, Miguel Ch ́avez-Modena, Alejandro Mart ́ınez-Cava and Eusebio Valero

Adjoint-based Shape Sensitivities of Ducted Blood Flows with Non-Newtonian Fluid Properties
Thomas Rung and Georgios Bletsos

Gradient-Based Optimization of Structures Immersed in an Acoustic Cavity Using XFEM, ROM and Surrogate Model
Luc Laurent and Antoine Legay

08 June 2022  14:00 - 16:00   Add
Simulation-based optimization considering dynamic systems and/or uncertainty II

Minisymposium organized by Thomas Rung, Benedikt Kriegesmann, Kathrin Welker, MArtin Siebenborn, Robert Seifired and Alexander Düster
Room: A1 – 5
Chair: Thomas Rung
CoChair: Martin Siebenborn

Applicability of discrete adjoints for wind comfort optimization
Suneth Warnakulasuriya, Máté Péntek, Kai-Uwe Bletzinger and Roland Wüchner

A Scalable Algorithm for Geometric Constrained Shape Optimization in Banach Spaces
Peter Marvin Müller, Jose Alfonso Pinzon Escobar and Martin Siebenborn

Sensitivity enhancement of the generalized polynomial chaos for efficient optimization under uncertainty
Kyriakos Dimitrios Kantarakias and George Papadakis

Learning a mesh motion technique with applications to fluid-structure interaction and shape optimization
Johannes Haubner

A fluid-structure interaction study of hemodynamics in arterial bypass-graft anastomoses
Georgios Bletsos, Lars Radtke, Alexander Düster and Thomas Rung

08 June 2022  16:30 - 18:30   Add
Simulation-based optimization considering dynamic systems and/or uncertainty III

Minisymposium organized by Thomas Rung, Benedikt Kriegesmann, Kathrin Welker, MArtin Siebenborn, Robert Seifired and Alexander Düster
Room: A1 – 5
Chair: Benedikt Kriegesmann
CoChair: Lars Radtke

Topology and shape optimization for transient vibroacoustic problems
Niels Aage

Robust Topology Optimization using Reciprocal First-Order Approximations
Micah Kranz, Julian K. Lüdeker and Benedikt Kriegesmann

Topology Optimization using the Discrete Element Method
Connor O‘Shaughnessy and Enrico Masoero

Robust design optimization of a discharging hopper with DEM-based and experiment-based metamodels
Marc P. Fransen, Matthijs Langelaar and Dingena L. Schott

Multi-shape optimization for fluid mechanics under uncertainties
Caroline Geiersbach, Tim Suchan and Kathrin Welker

Robust Topology Optimization of Static Systems with Unilateral Frictional Contact
Timo Schmidt, Benedikt Kriegesmann and Robert Seifried