08 June 2022    14:00 - 16:00   Add
Simulation-based optimization considering dynamic systems and/or uncertainty II
Minisymposium organized by Thomas Rung, Benedikt Kriegesmann, Kathrin Welker, MArtin Siebenborn, Robert Seifired and Alexander Düster
Room: A1 – 5
Chair: Thomas Rung
CoChair: Martin Siebenborn
Applicability of discrete adjoints for wind comfort optimization
Suneth Warnakulasuriya, Máté Péntek, Kai-Uwe Bletzinger and Roland Wüchner

A Scalable Algorithm for Geometric Constrained Shape Optimization in Banach Spaces
Peter Marvin Müller, Jose Alfonso Pinzon Escobar and Martin Siebenborn

Sensitivity enhancement of the generalized polynomial chaos for efficient optimization under uncertainty
Kyriakos Dimitrios Kantarakias and George Papadakis

Learning a mesh motion technique with applications to fluid-structure interaction and shape optimization
Johannes Haubner

A fluid-structure interaction study of hemodynamics in arterial bypass-graft anastomoses
Georgios Bletsos, Lars Radtke, Alexander Düster and Thomas Rung