08 June 2022    16:30 - 18:30   Add
Simulation-based optimization considering dynamic systems and/or uncertainty III
Minisymposium organized by Thomas Rung, Benedikt Kriegesmann, Kathrin Welker, MArtin Siebenborn, Robert Seifired and Alexander Düster
Room: A1 – 5
Chair: Benedikt Kriegesmann
CoChair: Lars Radtke
Topology and shape optimization for transient vibroacoustic problems
Niels Aage

Robust Topology Optimization using Reciprocal First-Order Approximations
Micah Kranz, Julian K. Lüdeker and Benedikt Kriegesmann

Topology Optimization using the Discrete Element Method
Connor O‘Shaughnessy and Enrico Masoero

Robust design optimization of a discharging hopper with DEM-based and experiment-based metamodels
Marc P. Fransen, Matthijs Langelaar and Dingena L. Schott

Multi-shape optimization for fluid mechanics under uncertainties
Caroline Geiersbach, Tim Suchan and Kathrin Welker

Robust Topology Optimization of Static Systems with Unilateral Frictional Contact
Timo Schmidt, Benedikt Kriegesmann and Robert Seifried