Technical Programme

07 June 2022  11:00 - 13:00   Add
Multiscale modeling and simulation of surfaces in contact: mechanics of contact, friction, and wear I

Minisymposium organized by Ramin Aghababaei, David Kammer and Lucia Nicola
Room: Hordaland 2 (1F)
Chair: David Kammer

From molecular to multi-asperity contacts: the role of roughness in the transient friction response
Lucas Frerot, Alexia Crespo, Jaafar El-Awady, Mark Robbins, Juliette Cayer-Barrioz and Denis Mazuyer

Functional Multilayer Coatings, Simultaneous Experimental and Modeling Approach seeking Ultra-durability
Narguess Nemati, Li Ma, Ramin Aaghababaei and Dae-Eun Kim

Wear modelling in elasto-plastic wheel-rail contact problems
Andrzej Myśliński and Andrzej Chudzikiewicz

The degraded surface layer of a tyre tread: A numerical model combining discrete and continuum approaches
Kévin Daigne, Guilhem Mollon, Nicolas Fillot, Sylvie Descartes, Romain Jeanneret-Dit-Grosjean and Frederic Biesse

Quantifying errors due to the Hertzian contact model in multi-sphere Discrete Element Modelling simulations
Stephanos Constandinou, Jane Blackford and Kevin Hanley

A dual-scale method to address plastic deformation in contact problems
Mohammad Aramfard, Yaswanth Murugesan, Francisco Perez Rafols and Lucia Nicola

07 June 2022  16:30 - 18:30   Add
Multiscale modeling and simulation of surfaces in contact: mechanics of contact, friction, and wear II

Minisymposium organized by Ramin Aghababaei, David Kammer and Lucia Nicola
Room: Hordaland 2 (1F)
Chair: Ramin Aghababaei
CoChair: Lucia Nicola

Adhesion and Fracture of Biological and Bio-inspired Soft Two-Dimensional Materials
Daniele Liprandi, Federico Bosia and Nicola M. Pugno

Computational framework for simulation of triboelectric nanogenerators accounting for surface roughness
Andrei G. Shvarts, Ignatios Athanasiadis, Lukasz Kaczmarczyk, Charchit Kumar, Guanbo Min, Yang Xu, Daniel M. Mulvihill and Chris J. Pearce

Consequences of third body vorticity on first bodies
Olivier Bouillanne, Guilhem Mollon, Aurélien Saulot, Sylvie Descartes, Nathalie Serres, Guillaume Chassaing and Karim Demmou

Simple modeling for stiffness evaluation of bolted joints using interfacial element
Yoshinao Kishimoto and Yukiyoshi Kobayashi

Modelling of two-scale contact - Investigation of leakage in polymer seals at cryogenic temperatures
Katharina Martin, Johanna Waimann and Stefanie Reese

Topology optmized structures exploiting internal contact
Andreas Frederiksen

Rich statistics in multi-layered frictional systems: do they come from rich frictional properties?
Tom W.J. de Geus, Samuel Poincloux and Pedro M. Reis