07 June 2022    11:00 - 13:00   Add
Multiscale modeling and simulation of surfaces in contact: mechanics of contact, friction, and wear I
Minisymposium organized by Ramin Aghababaei, David Kammer and Lucia Nicola
Room: Hordaland 2 (1F)
Chair: David Kammer
From molecular to multi-asperity contacts: the role of roughness in the transient friction response
Lucas Frerot, Alexia Crespo, Jaafar El-Awady, Mark Robbins, Juliette Cayer-Barrioz and Denis Mazuyer

Functional Multilayer Coatings, Simultaneous Experimental and Modeling Approach seeking Ultra-durability
Narguess Nemati, Li Ma, Ramin Aaghababaei and Dae-Eun Kim

Wear modelling in elasto-plastic wheel-rail contact problems
Andrzej Myśliński and Andrzej Chudzikiewicz

The degraded surface layer of a tyre tread: A numerical model combining discrete and continuum approaches
Kévin Daigne, Guilhem Mollon, Nicolas Fillot, Sylvie Descartes, Romain Jeanneret-Dit-Grosjean and Frederic Biesse

Quantifying errors due to the Hertzian contact model in multi-sphere Discrete Element Modelling simulations
Stephanos Constandinou, Jane Blackford and Kevin Hanley

A dual-scale method to address plastic deformation in contact problems
Mohammad Aramfard, Yaswanth Murugesan, Francisco Perez Rafols and Lucia Nicola