Technical Programme

06 June 2022  11:00 - 13:00   Add
Biological fluid mechanics: modeling, simulation, and analysis I

Minisymposium organized by Boyce Griffith, Sookkyung Lim and Sarah Olson
Room: Sør – Norge (GF)
Chair: Sarah Olson

Simulations of fluttering leaves
Shilpa Khatri, Nicholas Battista, Laura Miller and Matea Santiago

Flash or Sniff: Testing the evolutionary divergence of firefly antennae due to sexual selection
Lindsay Waldrop and Shilpa Khatri

Numerical Investigation of a 3D Dragonfly Wing Captured with a High-Resolution Micro-CT
Vera Stelzer, Markus Rütten and Lars Krenkel

Swimming behavior of polarly-flagellated bacteria
Sookkyung Lim, Yongsam Kim, Wanho Lee and Jeungeun Park

Hydrodynamic entrapment of uni-flagellated bacteria with flexible flagellum near a flat surface
Vahid Nourian and Henry Shum

Effects of prey capture on the swimming and feeding performance of choanoflagellates
Lisa Fauci, Hoa Nguyen, Emma Ross, Ricardo Cortez and M.A.R. Koehl

06 June 2022  14:00 - 16:00   Add
Biological fluid mechanics: modeling, simulation, and analysis II

Minisymposium organized by Boyce Griffith, Sookkyung Lim and Sarah Olson
Room: Sør – Norge (GF)
Chair: Sook Lim

Strain stiffening of Salmonella flagella measured by flow-induced deformations
Hossein Moghmifam, Jamel Ali, Min Jun Kim and Henry C. Fu

Models and simulations of micro-swimmer motion in complex confinement
Enkeleida Lushi

Simulated motility of a bilophotrichous bacterium
Henry Shum and Vahid Nourian

Experimental investigation of flow through deformable bodies under physiological condition
Mateusz Mesek, Aleksander Sinek, Marek Rojczyk, Jan Juszczyk, Wojciech Adamczyk, Ziemowit Ostrowski and Ryszard Białecki

On the influence of natural curvature on the reconfiguration of thin submerged biological structures
Alessandro Nitti and Marco D. de Tullio

Dynamics of membrane growth and form
Thomas Fai

06 June 2022  16:30 - 18:30   Add
Biological fluid mechanics: modeling, simulation, and analysis III

Minisymposium organized by Boyce Griffith, Sookkyung Lim and Sarah Olson
Room: Sør – Norge (GF)
Chair: Enkeleida Lushi

The many behaviors of active droplets
Yuan-Nan Young, Michael Shelley and David Stein

How fluid rheology shapes micororganism swimming gait in viscoelastic fluids
Robert Guy, Kathyrn Link and Becca Thomases

Hydrodynamic Interactions of Micro-Swimmers
Sarah Olson and Lucia Carichino

Ion-binding-mediated swelling of a mucus-like polyelectrolyte gel model
Owen Lewis, Jian Du, James Keener and Aaron Fogelson

Flow coupled with advection, reaction and diffusion in evolving porous media: homogenisation and simulation
David Wiedemann and Malte A. Peter

Microhydrodynamics of linear poroelastic materials
Moslem Moradi, Wenzheng Shi and Ehssan Nazockdast

07 June 2022  11:00 - 13:00   Add
Biological fluid mechanics: modeling, simulation, and analysis IV

Minisymposium organized by Boyce Griffith, Sookkyung Lim and Sarah Olson
Room: Sør – Norge (GF)
Chair: Owen Lewis

Secondary flow in helical square ducts with cochlea-like curvature and torsion
Noëlle C. Harte, Dominik Obrist, Marco D. Caversaccio and Wilhelm Wimmer

Development of a Fluid-Structure Interaction Model to Capture Displacements During Flow Through Deformable Bodies
Aleksander Sinek, Mateusz Mesek, Marek Rojczyk, Wojciech Adamczyk, Jan Juszczyk, Ziemowit Ostrowski and Ryszard Bialecki

Neuromechanical wave resonance in fluid pumping
Alexander Hoover

Impact of flow rate on wall vibration in intracranial aneurysms
David Bruneau, Kristian Valen Sendstad and David Steinman

Characterization of left atrial flow patterns by proper orthogonal decomposition in universal atrial coordinates
Jorge Dueñas-Pamplona, Alejandro Gonzalo, Savannah Bifulco, Patrick Boyle, Elliot McVeigh, Andrew M. Kahn, Pablo Martínez-Legapzi, Javier Bermejo, José Sierra-Pallares, Manuel García-Villalba, Óscar Flores, Javier García García and Juan Carlos del Álamo

07 June 2022  16:30 - 18:30   Add
Biological fluid mechanics: modeling, simulation, and analysis V

Minisymposium organized by Boyce Griffith, Sookkyung Lim and Sarah Olson
Room: Sør – Norge (GF)
Chair: Thomas Fai

Functional implications of renal adaptations in gestational hypertension
Melissa Stadt and Anita Layton

Fluid dynamics of the whole human heart: a multiphysics and multiscale computational model
Alberto Zingaro, Luca Dede‘ and Alfio Quarteroni

A Multi-Dimensional, Multi-Modality Approach to Optimise Perfusion in Vascular Stent-Grafts
Scott Black, Craig Maclean, Pauline Hall Barrientos, Konstantinos Ritos and Asimina Kazakidi

Hemodynamics in healthy and pathological thoracic aorta: integration of in-vivo data in CFD simulations and in in-vitro experiments
Alessandro Mariotti , Emanuele Vignali, Emanuele Gasparotti, Pietro Marchese, Mario Morello, Maria Vittoria Salvetti and Simona Celi

Variability of atrial blood stasis estimates from patient-specific CFD simulations
Eduardo Duran, Manuel Garcia-Villalba, Oscar Flores, Pablo Martinez-Legazpi, Alejandro Gonzalo, Elliot McVeigh, Andrew M. Kahn, Javier Bermejo and Juan C. del Alamo

Pulmonary hypertension assessed using a fluid mechanics model
Mette Olufsen, Michelle Bartolo, Mitchel Colebank, Naomi Chesler and Nick Hill