06 June 2022    16:30 - 18:30   Add
Biological fluid mechanics: modeling, simulation, and analysis III
Minisymposium organized by Boyce Griffith, Sookkyung Lim and Sarah Olson
Room: Sør – Norge (GF)
Chair: Enkeleida Lushi
The many behaviors of active droplets
Yuan-Nan Young, Michael Shelley and David Stein

How fluid rheology shapes micororganism swimming gait in viscoelastic fluids
Robert Guy, Kathyrn Link and Becca Thomases

Hydrodynamic Interactions of Micro-Swimmers
Sarah Olson and Lucia Carichino

Ion-binding-mediated swelling of a mucus-like polyelectrolyte gel model
Owen Lewis, Jian Du, James Keener and Aaron Fogelson

Flow coupled with advection, reaction and diffusion in evolving porous media: homogenisation and simulation
David Wiedemann and Malte A. Peter

Microhydrodynamics of linear poroelastic materials
Moslem Moradi, Wenzheng Shi and Ehssan Nazockdast