07 June 2022    11:00 - 13:00   Add
Inverse Problems, Design & Optimization in Heat Transfer
Minisymposium organized by Helcio Orlande, George Dulikravich, Marcelo Colaço and Zbigniew Bulinski
Room: Oppland (1F)
Chair: Helcio Orlande
CoChair: Zbigniew Bulinski
Using Gaussian Process Regression with Coupled Multiphysics FEA Simulations to Enhance Sparse Experimental Data
Rhydian Lewis, Llion M. Evans, Ruben Otin, A. David. L Hancock, Andrew Davis and Permual Nithiarasu

Optimization of extrusion dies comprised of CAD-compliant microstructures
Jacques Zwar and Stefanie Elgeti

Structural shape optimization of the thermal concentrator by isogeometric analysis and particle swarm optimization method
Chintan Jansari, Elena Atroshchenko and Stephane P.A. Bordas

Stable numerical reconstruction of non-smooth boundary data in steady-state anisotropic heat conduction
Mihai Bucataru, Iulian Cimpean and Liviu Marin

Application of the bayesian inverse methods to estimate initial condition for heat transfer problems
Zbigniew Buliński and Helcio R.B. Orlande

Design of the thermal ablation treatment of skin cancer
Luiz Ferreira, Leonardo Varon, Helcio Orlande and Bernard Lamien