08 June 2022    16:30 - 18:30   Add
Data-driven methods in computational fluid dynamics
Minisymposium organized by Celio Fernandes
Room: Oppland (1F)
Chair: Celio Fernandes
SPDE-ConvNet: Predict stabilization parameter for Singularly Perturbed Partial Differential Equation
Sangeeta Yadav and Sashikumaar Ganesan

Tabulation of thermochemical states in reactive flows via machine learning algorithms
Xi Chen, Cédric Mehl, Thibault Faney and Florent Di Meglio

Comparative analysis of machine learning methods for active flow control
Fabio Pino, Lorenzo Schena, ‪Jean Rabault, Alexander Kuhnle‬ and Miguel Alfonso Mendez

Fast, data-assisted simulations of multi-scale flows based on extrapolated time series
Thomas Lichtenegger, Sanaz Abbasi and Stefan Pirker

Determination of distinct dynamical process in the flow using machine learning
Serena Costanzo, Taraneh Sayadi, Miguel Fosas de Pando, Peter Schmid and Pascal Frey