07 June 2022    16:30 - 18:30   Add
Computational Problems for Charge Transport in Low Dimensional Structures
Minisymposium organized by Luigi Barletti, Giovanni Mascali and Vittorio Romano
Room: Jan Mayen 3
Chair: Luigi Barletti
CoChair: Giovanni Mascali
Quantum corrections to electron hydrodynamics in graphene
Luigi Barletti, Lucio Demeio and Sara Nicoletti

Thermal and electro-thermal properties of a graphene sheetThermal and electro-thermal properties of a graphene sheet
Giovanni Mascali

Hydrodynamical model for charge transport in a graphene FET
Vito Dario Camiola and Vittorio Romano

Simulation of a GNR-FET
Giovanni Nastasi and Vittorio Romano

Implementation on GPU of a solver for the Schroedinger-Poisson block in confined devices
Francesco Vecil and José Miguel Mantas Ruiz