08 June 2022    16:30 - 18:30   Add
Advanced Modelling Procedures for Masonry Structures III
Minisymposium organized by Daniela Addessi, Miguel Cervera and Elio Sacco
Room: Sør – Norge (GF)
Chair: Daniela Addessi
Nonlinear macroelement based on Bouc-Wen formulation with degradation for the equivalent frame modelling of masonry walls
Domenico Liberatore, Daniela Addessi and Alessandra Paoloni

Multiscale finite element modeling linking shell elements to 3D continuum
Daniela Addessi, Paolo Di Re, Cristina Gatta and Elio Sacco

Rocking Analysis for the bell tower of Sant’anna in Cervino
Antonio Gesualdo and Mariateresa Guadagnuolo

Climate-based and response-based indices for the assessment of frost damage on historic brick walls in Tønsberg, Norway
Petros Choidis and Dimitrios Kraniotis