08 June 2022    16:30 - 18:30   Add
Data-driven and projection-based reduced order models for computational sciences and engineering III
Minisymposium organized by Gianluigi Rozza and Giovanni Stabile
Room: A1 – 2
Chair: Gianluigi Rozza
CoChair: Giovanni Stabile
Model order reduction for high dimensional parametric systems
Manisha Chetry and Domenico Borzacchiello

Interpolated models for non-intrusive affinization of reduced basis methods
Eivind Fonn, Harald van Brummelen, Jens Eftang, Trond Kvamsdal and Adil Rasheed

Reduced order source model for railway induced vibration based on the Proper Generalized Decomposition
Geertrui Herremans, Stijn François and Geert Degrande

Computing Green‘s functions in two-dimensional wave propagation using Proper Generalized Decomposition
Thomas Alexiou, Pieter Reumers, Geert Degrande and Stijn François

Extending the capabilities of data-driven reduced-order models to make predictions for unseen scenarios
Claire E. Heaney, Xiangqi Liu, Hanna Go, Zef Wolffs, Pablo Salinas, I. Michael Navon and Christopher C. Pain

A strategy to optimal block-incremental singular value decomposition for unsteady high-fidelity simulation data
Xiaodong Li, Steven Hulshoff and Stefan Hickel