06 June 2022    16:30 - 18:30   Add
Computational Methods for Biomechanics
Room: Oppland (1F)
Chair: Victorien Prot
Mathematical and numerical modeling of cardiac electromechanics in scar-related ventricular tachycardia
Matteo Salvador, Marco Fedele, Francesco Regazzoni, Stefano Pagani, Pasquale Claudio Africa, Luca Dede‘, Natalia Trayanova and Alfio Quarteroni

Modeling the electromechanics of the whole heart in detailed image-based geometries
Marco Fedele, Francesco Regazzoni, Roberto Piersanti, Matteo Salvador, Pascquale Claudio Africa, Luca Dedè and Alfio Quarteroni

Non-linear model for the evolution of glioblastoma cells in microfluidic devices
Albert Costa-Solé, Marco Discacciati, Marina Pérez-Aliacar, Jacobo Ayensa-Jiménez, Manuel Doblaré and Josep Sarrate

Numerical analysis of asymmetric septal hyperthropic cardiomiopathy
Igor Saveljic, Dalibor Nikolic, Smiljana Tomasevic and Nenad Filipovic

Influence of boundary conditions on oxygen distribution in an organ-on-a-chip platform
Violeta Carvalho, Nelson Rodrigues, Raquel Rodrigues, Rui A. Lima and Senhorinha Teixeira