08 June 2022    11:00 - 13:00   Add
Complex fluid flow in engineering: modeling, simulation and optimization VI
Minisymposium organized by Fabian Key, Marek Behr and Stefanie Elgeti
Room: B3 + B4
Chair: Fabian Key
Flow diodes for application in turbulent flows
Christian Jordan, Bahram Haddadi, Johannes Wintersperger, Johannes Szivacz and Michael Harasek

A mixed midelity conceptual design process for Boundary Layer Ingestion concepts
Olivier Atinault, Michaël Méheut and Sébastien Defoort

Objective identification of local vortices
Bjørn Holmedal and Lars Erik Holmedal

Numerical Investigation of Oleo-Pneumatic Shock Absorber: A Multifidelity Approach
Ahmed A. Sheikh Al-Shabab, Bojan Grenko, Dimitrios Vitlaris, Panagiotis Tsoutsanis, Antonis Antoniadis and Martin Skote

High fidelity simulations of flow and acoustic fields around rotating tire toward aeroacoustic noise reduction
Kengo Asada, Keita Hizen, Atsushi Toyoda, Kozo Fujii, Toshiyuki Ikeda and Masataka Koishi