06 June 2022    11:00 - 13:00   Add
Complex fluid flow in engineering: modeling, simulation and optimization I
Minisymposium organized by Fabian Key, Marek Behr and Stefanie Elgeti
Room: B3 + B4
Chair: Marek Behr
Analysis of Shear-thinning Planar Flows
Jaewook Nam, Hyungyeol Kwak and Nayeon Park

Numerical simulation of pipelines sinking and floatation in a liquefied sand
Massimiliano Cremonesi, Gabriele Della Vecchia and Federico Pisanò

Development lengths for non-newtonian flows in pipes and tubes based on the wall shear stress
Chryso Lambride, Alexandros Syrakos and Georgios C. Georgiou

Stabilized mixed formulation for an implicit Material Point Method for viscoplastic fluids by using the variational subgrid-scale framework
Laura Moreno, Antonia Larese and Alessandro Contri

Numerical modeling of the extrusion process in fused filament fabrication
Mehul Lukhi, Christoph Mittermeier and Josef Kiendl

Phenomenological modeling of thrombus formation: an application for aortic dissection
Alireza Jafarinia, Chlöe H. Armour, Xiao Y. Xu and Thomas Hochrainer