07 June 2022    11:00 - 13:00   Add
Recent advances in immersed boundary and fictitious domain methods IV
Minisymposium organized by Alexander Idesman, Guglielmo Scovazzi , Antonia Larese , Riccardo Rossi , André Massing, Santiago Badia and Francesc Verdugo
Room: Jan Mayen 1
Chair: Guglielmo Scovazzi
CoChair: Andre Massing
Phi-FEM: a finite element method on domains defined by level-sets (Keynote Lecture)
Michel Duprez, Alexei Lozinski and Vanessa Lleras

A cutfem method for a mechanistic modelling of astrocytic metabolism in 3D physiological morphologies
Sofia Farina, Valérie Voorsluijs, Susanne Claus, Alexander Skupin and Stéphane P. A. Bordas

Unfitted Hybrid High-order Methods for the Acoustic Wave Equation
Erik Burman, Omar Duran and Alexandre Ern

A comparison between IBM with feedback forcing and a volume penalization method for compressible flows
Lucas Ménez, Eric Goncalves, Philippe Parnaudeau and Damien Colombet

A cartesian discontinuous Galerkin solver with immersed boundaries
Nayan Levaux, Amaury Bilocq, Pierre Schrooyen, Vincent Terrapon and Koen Hillewaert