07 June 2022    11:00 - 13:00   Add
Multiscale Computational Homogenization for Bridging Scales in the Mechanics and Physics of Complex Materials IV
Minisymposium organized by Julien Yvonnet, Kenjiro Terada, Peter Wriggers, Marc Geers, Karel Matous and Paul Steinmann
Room: Svalbard
Chair: Frédéric Legoll
A deep learning approach for stress tensor field prediction and multiscale modeling of fiber- reinforced composite materials
Ashwini Gupta, Anindya Bhaduri and Lori Graham-Brady

Simulation of phase transformations in polycrystalline shape memory alloys using fast Fourier transforms
Johanna Waimann, Christian Gierden and Stefanie Reese

Microscale numerical simulation of yarn tensile behavior using a high-fidelity geometrical fiber model extracted from micro-CT imaging
Axel Bral, Lode Daelemans and Joris Degroote

Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured Short Fiber Reinforced Composites by Homogenization
Facundo Sosa-Rey, Nicola Piccirelli, Daniel Therriault and Martin Lévesque

Modeling error estimation based on asymptotic homogenization
Fergoug Mouad, Forest Samuel, Marchand Basile, Feld Nicolas and Parret-Fréaud Augustin

Comparison between direct numerical simulation and homogenization of continuous fiber reinforced woven composites
ANQI LI, Joris J.C. Remmers, Marc G. D. Geers and Thierry J. Massart