07 June 2022    11:00 - 13:00   Add
Complex fluid flow in engineering: modeling, simulation and optimization IV
Minisymposium organized by Fabian Key, Marek Behr and Stefanie Elgeti
Room: B3 + B4
Chair: Marek Behr
Topology optimization of particle-laden flow problems
Casper S. Andreasen, Lukas C. Høghøj and Brice R

A reformulation of the level set equation with built-in redistancing
Mathis Fricke, Tomislav Marić, Aleksandar Vučković and Dieter Bothe

A numerical vinaigrette: effect of surfactants on the oil-water emulsification
Fuyue Liang, Juan P. Valdes, Lyes Kahouadji and Omar K. Matar

Direct numerical simulation of the dispersion dynamics of complex flows in static mixers
Juan Pablo Valdes, Fuyue Liang, Lyes Kahouadji and Omar Matar

Extended Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin (X-HDG) Method for Incompressible Two-Phase Flows
Ahmed Sherif, Michel Visonneau, Ganbo Deng and Luís Eça

Topology optimisation of fluid flow in MATLAB: a detailed introduction
Joe Alexandersen