07 June 2022    16:30 - 18:30   Add
Bone-implant systems: from experiment and simulation to clinical application
Minisymposium organized by Michael Roland, Marcel Orth, Benedikt Braun and Stefan Diebels
Room: Oppland (1F)
Chair: Michael Roland
A protocol to evaluate and validate implant internal forces and moments
Mischa Mühling, Sabrina Sandriesser and Peter Augat

A methodology for patient-specific simulation of the bone-healing process based on the Cartesian Grid Finite Element Method – cgFEM
Antolín Martínez-Martínez, Enrique Nadal, Héctor Navarro-García, Carlos Gutierrez, Juan José Ródenas and Olivier Allix

Comparison of five implants for treatment of supracondylar periprosthetic femoral fracture by finite element model
Magdalena Jansova, Tomas Malotin, Jiri Kren, Petr Votapek, Libor Lobovsky and Ludek Hyncik

Multiscale optimization of porous implants with a Voronoi based microstructure
Lucas Colabella, Guillaume Haiat, Salah Naili and Adrian Cisilino

Experimental determination of material parameters of the human tibia
Kerstin Wickert, Michael Roland, Annchristin Andres and Stefan Diebels

Individualized determination of the mechanical fracture environment in lower extremity non-unions - A simulation-based study
Annchristin Andres, Michael Roland, Kerstin Wickert, Stefan Diebels, Tina Histing and Benedikt Braun

A simulation-based virtual laboratory for the determination of minimal fusion areas in tibia pseudarthrosis
Michael Roland, Stefan Diebels, Bertil Bouillon and Thorsten Tjardes