06 June 2022    16:30 - 18:30   Add
Isogeometric Methods III
Minisymposium organized by Alessandro Reali, Yuri Bazilevs, David J. Benson, René de Borst, Thomas J.R. Hughes, Trond Kvamsdal, Giancarlo Sangalli and Clemens V. Verhoosel
Room: Nord – Norge (GF)
Chair: Simone Morganti
Some recent advances and applications in isogeometric analysis (Keynote Lecture)
Alessandro Reali

Floating isogeometric analysis
Helge C. Hille, Siddhant Kumar and Laura De Lorenzis

An optimally convergent smooth blended B-spline construction for unstructured quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes
Kim Jie Koh, Deepesh Toshniwal and Fehmi Cirak

Adaptive mixed isogeometric analysis of a highly convective benchmark problem for the Boussinesq equations
Abdullah Abdulhaque, Trond Kvamsdal, Mukesh Kumar and Arne Morten Kvarving

G1-conforming Bezier FE formulation for the analysis of Kirchhoff rod assemblies
Leopoldo Greco, Massimo Cuomo and Angelo Scrofani