06 June 2022    16:30 - 18:30   Add
Innovative Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction III
Minisymposium organized by Harald van Brummelen, Trond Kvamsdal and Roger Ohayon
Room: A1 – 4
Chair: Harald van Brummelen
Immersed method with metric based anisotropic meh adaptation for multiphase flow and fluid solid interaction (Keynote Lecture)
Coupez Thierry, Nemer Rami and Hachem Elie

Low order fictitious domain method for FSI with enhanced stability and interfacial mass conservation
Daniele C. Corti, Guillaume Delay, Miguel A. Fernandez, Fabien Vergnet and Marina Vidrascu

Numerical Resolution of Eulers equations in a domain containing permeable moving boundary using immersed boundary methods with ghost points.
Constance Bocquet, Cyril Desjouy and Gwénaël Gabard

Modeling and simulation of thin-walled piezoelectric energy harvesters immersed in flow using monolithic fluid-structure interaction
Lan Shang, Christophe Hoareau and Andreas Zilian

Variational space-time localization for adjoint-based adaptivity of Navier-Stokes equations
Julian Roth, Jan Philipp Thiele and Thomas Wick