08 June 2022    16:30 - 18:30   Add
Data-driven numerical and reduced order modeling of flows III
Minisymposium organized by Nikolaus Adams and Jörg Schumacher
Room: Oslo 2 (GF)
Chair: Nikolaus Adams
Active flow control on airfoils through deep reinforcement learning
Pol Suarez, Pau Varela, Juan Echevarría, Jean Rabault, Maxence Deferrez, Bernat Font, Luis Miguel García-Cuevas, Arnau Miró, Andrés Tiseira, Oriol Lehmkhul and Ricardo Vinuesa

Data-Driven Surrogate Modelling of Aerodynamic Forces on the Superstructure of Container Vessels
Rupert Pache and Thomas Rung

Deep learning based data assimilation for  aeroelasticity and non-linear aerodynamics  
Avicene Chaarane, Jean-Camille Chassaing and Taraneh Sayadi

Surrogate modeling of unsteady aerodynamic loads acting on a plunging airfoil
Rahul Sundar, Virendra Kumar, Dipanjan Majumdar, Chhotelal Shah and Sunetra Sarkar

Wind flow field predictions over high-rise buildings using machine learning framework
Onkar Jadhav, Anina Glumac and Stephane Bordas

Efficient data-driven control of fluids using autonomous surrogate models
Sebastian Peitz and Katharina Bieker