09 June 2022    16:30 - 18:30   Add
Interdisciplinary challenges towards exascale fluid dynamics II
Minisymposium organized by Niclas Jansson, Stefano Markidis, Philipp Schlatter, Matts Karlsson and Erwin Laure
Room: Jan Mayen 3
Chair: Niclas Jansson
CoChair: Martin Karp
Evaluation of infection risk due to airborne virus transmission in an restaurant environment (Keynote Lecture)
Rahul Bale, Ching-Gang Li, Hajime Fukudome, Saori Yumino, Akiyoshi Iida and Makoto Tsubokura

Preparing a Fortran legacy code for the upcoming exascale architectures
Joeffrey Legaux and Gabriel Staffelbach

Large-scale DNS of turbulence with efficient and accurate particle tracking
Cristian C. Lalescu, Bérenger Bramas, Markus Rampp and Michael Wilczek

Refactoring legacy Fortran applications to leverage modern heterogenous architectures in extreme-scale CFD
Niclas Jansson, Martin Karp, Artur Podobas, Stefano Markidis and Philipp Schlatter