06 June 2022    14:00 - 16:00   Add
Image-informed computational models and methods for prediction of cancer growth and treatment response II
Minisymposium organized by Guillermo Lorenzo, David A. Hormuth II, Chengyue Wu, Ernesto A.B.F. Lima, Michael R. A. Abdelmalik, Alessandro Reali, Thomas J.R. Hughes and Thomas E. Yankeelov
Room: O – 3
Chair: Guillermo Lorenzo
CoChair: Michael R. A. Abdelmalik
Dynamic contrast enhanced MRI for informing cancer treatment: challenges and outlook for use in cancer modeling
Ryan T. Woodall, Jennifer M. Munson and Russell C. Rockne

A Finite Element method to incorporate the effects of diffusion to the Extended Tofts Model
Diego Sainz-DeMena, Wenfeng Ye, María Ángeles Pérez and José Manuel García-Aznar