08 June 2022    16:30 - 18:30   Add
Emerging methods for large-scale and robust multidisciplinary optimization (MDO) for industrial applications II
Minisymposium organized by Jens-Dominik Mueller, Arthur Stueck and Marcus Meyer
Room: B3 + B4
Chair: Jens-Dominik Mueller
Extension of the GEMSEO MDO library to a MPI parallel coupled adjoint capability
Jean-Christoph Giret, François Gallard and Marco Cisternino

The impact of tube corrugation within the multi-disciplinary design optimization of a charge air cooler.
Atul Singh, David Toal, Edward Richardson, Claus Ibsen, Kevin Jose and Atul Bhaskar

Shape Signature Subspace: A shapewise-supervised dimension-reduction approach for shape optimisation
Shahroz Khan, Panagiotis Kaklis , Andrea Serani, Matteo Diez and Konstantinos Kostas

Large-scale Topology Optimization on a desktop using the GPU
Erik A. Träff, Niels Aage and Ole Sigmund

Data-fitted constraint aggregation schemes
Olaf Ambrozkiewicz and Benedikt Kriegesmann

Quasi-static sizing optimization for stability of stiffened shell structures under manufacturing uncertainty
Kai Steltner, Benedikt Kriegesmann and Claus Pedersen