06 June 2022    14:00 - 16:00   Add
Continuum Biomechanics of Active Systems II
Minisymposium organized by Tim Ricken, Oliver Röhrle and Silvia Budday
Room: Lounge A2
Chair: Silvia Budday
CoChair: Lena Lambers
Computational continuum modeling of cell aggregation phenomenon
Soheil Firooz, Hui-Shun Kuan, Vasily Zaburdaev, Paul Steinmann and Ali Javili

Nonlocal bone remodelling with open system peridynamics
Emely Schaller, Ali Javili and Paul Steinmann

FE models predict microdamage in normal and osteoporotic trabecular bone during compression
Athanassios Tsirigotis and Despoina Deligianni

LBM Bloodflow-Simulations in 3D Aneurysm-Geometries: From risk-assessment to the follow-up treatment
Gladys Gutierrez, Markus Muhr, Natalia Nebulishvili and Barbara Wohlmuth

Two-layers cell-wall modelling for S. cerevisiae yeasts
Zeinab Awada, Etienne Harté, Françoise Argoul, Léo Delmarre, Pierre Argoul, Anne Devin and Boumediene Nedjar