06 June 2022    14:00 - 16:00   Add
Complex fluid flow in engineering: modeling, simulation and optimization II
Minisymposium organized by Fabian Key, Marek Behr and Stefanie Elgeti
Room: B3 + B4
Chair: Stefanie Elgeti
On the design of fractional step methods for flow problems--Application to viscoelastic flows and compressible flows
Ramon Codina, Joan Baiges, Samuel Parada and Laura Moreno

Adaptive Immersed Mesh Method for Fluid–Structure Interaction
Ramy Nemer, Aurelien Larcher and Elie Hachem

Non-reflecting boundary condtions on unstructured grids
Hans-Peter Kersken and Christian Frey

Dirichlet boundary control of a steady multiscale fluid-structure interaction system
Giacomo Barbi, Andrea Chierici, Valentina Giovacchini, Luigi Manes, Sandro Manservisi and Lucia Sirotti

A boundary-conforming mesh-update method for flow problems with topology changes
Felipe Gonzalez-Cornejo, Stefanie Elgeti and Marek Behr

CFD validation of a controllable pitch marine propeller using a truly autonomous mesh generation with adaptive mesh refinement
Mathias Vångö and Pietro Scienza