06 June 2022    11:00 - 13:00   Add
UQ and data-driven methods for scale-resolving turbulent flow simulations I
Minisymposium organized by Saleh Rezaeiravesh, Philipp Schlatter and Maria Vittoria Salvetti
Room: Buskerud (1F)
Chair: Maria Vittoria Salvetti
Development of a data-driven wall-model for separated flows (Keynote Lecture)
Margaux Boxho, Michel Rasquin, Thomas Toulorge, Grégory Dergham, Grégoire Winckelmans and Koen Hillewaert

Effects of uncertainties of image-based material properties of great vessels on vascular deformation
Benigno Marco Fanni, Maria Nicole Antonuccio, Giuseppe Santoro, Alessandro Mariotti, Maria Vittoria Salvetti and Simona Celi

Quantifying Uncertainties in Direct Numerical Simulations of a Turbulent Channel Flow
Joseph O‘Connor, Sylvain Laizet, Andrew Wynn, Jon McCullough and Peter Coveney

Quantification of time-averaging uncertainties in turbulence simulations
Donnatella Xavier, Saleh Rezaeiravesh, Ricardo Vinuesa and Philipp Schlatter

Data-Driven Inference Design for the Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification of the Reactive Shock-Bubble Interaction
Ludger Paehler and Nikolaus A. Adams