08 June 2022    11:00 - 13:00   Add
Reduced order modeling of dynamical systems through deep learning techniques I
Minisymposium organized by Andrea Manzoni, Mengwu Guo and Paris Perdikaris
Room: B1 – 1
Chair: Andrea Manzoni
Simultaneous learning of dynamics and coordinates, with examples in fluid dynamics (Keynote Lecture)
Steven Brunton

Bayesian inference for the learning of reduced-state dynamics
Mengwu Guo

Model reduction of parameterized PDEs using deep bases
Eric Parish, Yukiko Shimizu and Kookjin Lee

Deep learning of dynamical systems using geometry and thermodynamics
Quercus Hernández, Alberto Badías, David González, Francisco Chinesta and Elías Cueto

Physics-constrained deep learning-based reduced order models for parametrized PDEs
Stefania Fresca, Federico Fatone, Mengwu Guo and Andrea Manzoni