08 June 2022    11:00 - 13:00   Add
Advanced Modelling Procedures for Masonry Structures I
Minisymposium organized by Daniela Addessi, Miguel Cervera and Elio Sacco
Room: Sør – Norge (GF)
Chair: Daniela Addessi
CoChair: Miguel Cervera
A shell-based computational framework for the static limit analysis of masonry domes under horizontal forces
Nicola A. Nodargi and Paolo Bisegna

Limit analysis of non-periodic masonry by means of Discontinuity Layout Optimization
Mattia Schiantella, Matthew Gilbert, Colin C. Smith, Linwei He, Federico Cluni and Vittorio Gusella

Minimum thickness of masonry domes and vaults subjected to vertical loads: a parametric study by thrust surface analysis
Francesco Barsi, Riccardo Barsotti and Stefano Bennati

A finite-element-based unit cell approach for simulating vertically perforated clay block masonry
Raphael Reismüller, Markus Lukacevic, Thomas Kiefer and Josef Füssl