07 June 2022    11:00 - 13:00   Add
Multi-Scale and Multi-Physic Interface Models I
Minisymposium organized by Michele Serpilli, Maria Letizia Raffa, Raffaella Rizzoni, Serge Dumont, Frédéric Lebon, Mikhail Poluektov and Lukasz Figiel
Room: Vestfold (1F)
Chair: Frédéric Lebon
CoChair: Serge Dumont
Modeling imperfect interfaces in layered beams through multi- and single-variable zigzag kinematics (Keynote Lecture)
Roberta Massabò and Ilaria Monetto

On modeling hard adhesives with micro-cracking damage
Maria Letizia Raffa, Raffaella Rizzoni and Frédéric Lebon

Multiphysics Virtual Design Tool for biodegradable Magnesium implants
Mohammad Marvi Mashhadi, Dirk Steglich and Christian J. Cyron

New soft interface conditions for flexoelectric composites
Michele Serpilli, Raffaella Rizzoni, Reinaldo Rodrìguez-Ramos, Frédéric Lebon and Serge Dumont

Multiphysics modeling of adhesive interface with damage and healing
Sébastien D‘andréa, Stéphane Lejeunes, Frédéric Lebon, Victor Blanc and Lainet Marc

Multi-physics simulation of heat harvest in fusion reactors with Alya HPC software
Pedro Bonilla, Hadrien Calmet, Oriol Fernández, Ezequiel Goldberg, Samuel Gómez, Xavier Granados, Guillaume Houzeaux, Oriol Lehmkuhl, Jordi Manyer, Mervi Mantsinen, Pol Pastells, Xavier Sáez and Alejandro Soba