Technical Programme

06 June 2022  11:00 - 13:00   Add
Computations in Environmental and Geophysical Fluid Mechanics I

Minisymposium organized by Clint Dawson, Ethan Kubatko and Eirik Valseth
Room: Hordaland 1 (1F)
Chair: Eirik Valseth
CoChair: Ethan Kubatko

Model Adaptivity – Combining Hydrostatic And Non-Hydrostatic Shallow Water Modeling (Keynote Lecture)
Jörn Behrens

Numerical Testcases to Study Proudman Resonance Using Shallow Water Models
Nicole Beisiegel and Jörn Behrens

Comparaison of Lax-Wendroff numerical schemes solving conservative and non-conservative Boussinesq equations to an operational code
Aurore Cauquis, Mario Ricchiuto and Philippe Heinrich

Influence of the turbulent wake downstream offshore wind turbines on larval dispersal: development of a new Lagrangian-Eulerian model
Souha Ajmi, Martial Boutet, Anne-Claire Bennis and Jean-Claude Dauvin

Propagation of acoustic and gravity waves in the ocean: a new derivation for a general model
Juliette Dubois, Jacques Sainte-Marie and Sébastien Imperiale

06 June 2022  14:00 - 16:00   Add
Computations in Environmental and Geophysical Fluid Mechanics II

Minisymposium organized by Clint Dawson, Ethan Kubatko and Eirik Valseth
Room: Hordaland 1 (1F)
Chair: Clint Dawson
CoChair: Eirik Valseth

Quadrature-free discontinuous Galerkin method for shallow water equations on block-structured grids
Vadym Aizinger, Sara Faghih-Naini and Daniel Zint

On shallow water, diffusive, and kinematic flow approximations for modeling rainfall runoff
Ethan Kubatko and Younghun Kang

Microscale simulations of extreme events in wind farms over complex terrain driven by mesoscalar flows
Matias Avila, Oriol Lehmkuhl, Herbert Owen and Daniel Paredes

Block-preconditioning of variable-viscosity flows in ice-sheet modeling
Christian Helanow and Josefin Ahlkrona

Comparison of structure-preserving numerical methods for the KdV equation
Arnout D. Franken, Paolo Cifani, Erwin Luesink, Sagy R. Ephrati and Bernard J. Geurts

A compositional Eulerian approach for modelling oil spills in the sea
Benjamin Ivorra, Susana Gomez, Jesús Carrera and Ángel M. Ramos

06 June 2022  16:30 - 18:30   Add
Computations in Environmental and Geophysical Fluid Mechanics III

Minisymposium organized by Clint Dawson, Ethan Kubatko and Eirik Valseth
Room: Hordaland 1 (1F)
Chair: Ethan Kubatko
CoChair: Clint Dawson

Computational multiphysics modelling to predict the performance of melting probes in ice
Leonardo Boledi, Stefanie Elgeti and Julia Kowalski

Simulation of hydraulic failure in the framework of the Theory of Porous Media
Julia Nicolina Sunten, Alexander Schwarz, Joachim Bluhm and Jörg Schröder

A Stable Mixed Finite Element Method for the Elastic Deformation of Coastal Structures
Eirik Valseth, Clint Dawson, Albert Romkes and Austin Kaul