Technical Programme

07 June 2022  16:30 - 18:30   Add
Structure-Preserving Reduced Order Models for Fluid Flows

Minisymposium organized by Benjamin Sanderse, Giovanni Stabile
Room: Nordland (GF)
Chair: Benjamin Sanderse
CoChair: Giovanni Stabile

POD stabilized methods for incompressible flows: Error analysis and computational results
Julia Novo and Samuele Rubino

Data-driven identification of encoding on quadratic-manifolds for high-fidelity dynamical models
Peter Benner, Pawan Goyal, Jan Heiland and Igor Pontes Duff

Momentum-conserving ROMs for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
Henrik Rosenberger and Benjamin Sanderse

Structure-preserving discretization and model order reduction of multi-phase fluid dynamical systems
Harshit Bansal, Wil Schilders and Nathan van de Wouw

Conservative stochastic reduced order models for real-time fluid flow data assimilation
Guillaume Le Pape, Agustin M. Picard, Matheus Ladvig, Valentin Resseguier, Dominique Heitz and Laurent Bessard

Structure-preserving POD-based forcing for the two-dimensional Euler equations
Sagy R. Ephrati, Paolo Cifani, Erwin Luesink, Arnout D. Franken and Bernard J. Geurts

Structure-preserving hyper-reduction of parametric Hamiltonian systems
Federico Vismara and Cecilia Pagliantini