Technical Programme

07 June 2022  11:00 - 13:00   Add
Advances in Numerical Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction I

Minisymposium organized by Bernhard Müller, Wolfgang Schröder, Arthur Rizzi, Joris Degroote and Stein Tore Johansen
Room: Akershus (1F)
Chair: Bernhard Müller
CoChair: Jesper Oppelstrup

Unstructured cut-cell method for flow problems with moving surfaces (Keynote Lecture)
Wolfgang Schröder, Tim Wegmann and Matthias Meinke

Computation of ship motion in waves, using cartesian cut-cells
Elena-Roxana Popescu, Song T. Dang and Stein Tore Johansen

Accelerating the simulation of elastohydrodynamic lubrication in a line contact using a surrogate model
Nicolas Delaissé, Dieter Fauconnier and Joris Degroote

Modular programming approach to aircraft static aeroelasticity
Arthur Rizzi, Jesper Oppelstrup and Mengmeng Zhang

High fidelity fluid-structure interaction simulation of a multi-megawatt airborne wind energy reference system in cross-wind flight
Niels Pynaert, Jolan Wauters, Guillaume Crevecoeur and Joris Degroote

07 June 2022  16:30 - 18:30   Add
Advances in Numerical Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction II

Minisymposium organized by Bernhard Müller, Wolfgang Schröder, Arthur Rizzi, Joris Degroote and Stein Tore Johansen
Room: Akershus (1F)
Chair: Wolfgang Schröder
CoChair: Joris Degroote

Direct and sampling-based flutter solution methods in the SU2 solver
Nikolaos Simiriotis and Rafael Palacios

Fluid-structure interaction tool for morphing blades
Giada Abate and Johannes Riemenschneider

A mass conserving implicit volume penalty method for moving-body flows
Iason Tsetoglou, Mélody Cailler, Pierre Bénard, Vincent Moureau, Ghislain Lartigue and Julien Reveillon

Application of the Generalized-alpha time integration scheme in PFEM for solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
Eduardo Fernandez, Simon Fevrier, Martin Lacroix, Romain Boman and Jean-Philippe Ponthot

An Optimally Stabilized Meshless Method for Compressible Flows Accelerated with Machine Learning
Ricardo Puente

Novel immersed boundary method for fluid-structure interaction of compressible flow
Frederik Kristoffersen, Martin Larsson, Sverre G. Johnsen, Wolfgang Schröder and Bernhard Müller